6月21-23日,“第十六届世界制药原料中国展”(CPhI China) 将携手“第十一届世界制药机械、包装设备与材料中国展”(P-MEC China)”在上海新国际博览中心隆重开幕。本次盛会将以“中东欧年”为主题开展一系列活动,以促进我国与中东欧国家在医药卫生领域的交流和双方医药企业间的务实合作。
June 21-23, 16th CPhI China will open together with the 11th P-MEC China at Shanghai New Int'l Expo Centre (SNIEC), Shanghai, China.

泰林生物将开启“2016新品全球巡展第五站”发布活动,届时将在N1馆D67展位现场展示最新一代无菌隔离器、全新汽化过氧化氢发生器、培养基自动分装仪、新型智能集菌仪、新型微生物检验仪、新型TOC分析仪等相关技术和设备,以及无菌检测用集菌培养器、微生物检测过滤器、无菌滤膜、生物指示剂等一批检测、验证用耗材。 欢迎世界各地新老用户、经销商朋友莅临参观,洽谈合作!
We will continue “The 5th Show of TAILIN 2016 New Products World Tour “launch event. Welcome to visit our booth: N1D67.Tailin will launch full series of new products, such Sterility Test Isolator, VHPS Generator, Sterility Test Pump, Microbial Limit Tester, TOC and Culture Media Automatic Distribution System.
From 13: 00 to 13: 20 on June 21st, we will hold the " Culture Media Automatic Distribution System and Plate Quality Control" seminar at booth N1A96. Welcome to join us!