快速高效离心柱式蛋白浓度定量-SPN™ Protein Assays-蛋白纯化-试剂-生物在线
快速高效离心柱式蛋白浓度定量-SPN™ Protein Assays

快速高效离心柱式蛋白浓度定量-SPN™ Protein Assays


产品名称: 快速高效离心柱式蛋白浓度定量-SPN™ Protein Assays

英文名称: SPN? Protein Assays

产品编号: 786-020-50assays

产品价格: 0

产品产地: USA

品牌商标: G-Bioscience

更新时间: null

使用范围: null

  • 联系人 :
  • 地址 : 上海市松江区车墩工业区香闵路698号
  • 邮编 : 201611
  • 所在区域 : 上海
  • 电话 :
  • 传真 : 021-37772170
  • 邮箱 : sales@sangon.com


A fast and efficient spin column assay. Add the protein sample to the  spin columns and wash to remove non-protein agents, including detergents and chaotropes. Next, add the protein dye and spin to remove free dye. After a second brief wash, elute the protein bound dye with the supplied elution buffer and measure the optical density of the dye. The concentration of protein is determined by comparing the optical density data to the supplied reference data. No protein standards are required. Protein concentration can be determined in less than 10 minutes.
Features:1. Linear response between 0.5µg and 10µg.; Manual, Semi-automatic or fully automated compatible;
2. Small sample requirement;Unaffected by non-protein chemicals and agents.3. Rapid assay; protein standards not required.