Agilent表达谱芯片-生物芯片服务 -技术服务-生物在线



产品名称: Agilent表达谱芯片

英文名称: Agilent


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产品/服务 物种 规格 特征 Features
Arabidopsis (V4) Expression Microarray 拟南芥 4×44K 覆盖整个基因组;43,803探针 cover the entire genome;43,803 A. thaliana probes
Barley Expression Microarray 大麦 4×44K 含广泛的大麦转录本;43,803探针 transcriptome-wide barley, Hordeum vulgar;43,803 barley probes
Bovine Expression Microarray 牛 4×44K 覆盖牛的全基因组;43,803探针 the fully sequenced cow genome;43,803 bovine probes
C. elegans (V2) Expression Microarray 线虫 4×44K 覆盖线虫全基因组;43,803探针 comprehensive genome;43,803 C.elegans probes
Chicken Expression Microarray 鸡 4×44K 覆盖鸡基因组序列;43,803探针 the sequenced chicken genome;43,803 G. gallus probes
Dog (V2) Expression Microarray 狗 4×44K 覆盖狗基因组序列;43,803探针 a transcriptome-wide dog, Canis familiaris;43,803 Canine probes
Drosophila Expression Microarray 果蝇 4×44K 26,500多个转录本;43,803探针 over 26,500 transcipts ;43,803 Drosophila probes
E. coli Expression Microarray 大肠杆菌 8×15K 覆盖四个大肠杆菌菌种的全基因组:K12-MG1655, O157:H7 EDL933, O157:H7 VT2-Sakai 以及 CFT073;15,208个探针 a genome-wide multi-strain E. coli: K12-MG1655, O157:H7 EDL933, O157:H7 VT2-Sakai and CFT073;15,208 E. coli probes
Frog Expression Microarray 蛙 4×44K 43,803探针 The African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis;43,803 X. laevis probes
Horse Expression Microarray 马 4×44K 覆盖马全基因组;43,803个探针 a transcriptome-wide horse;43,803 Horse probes
Human Genome, Whole Expression Microarray 人类全基因组 4×44K 所有人类中已知基因以及转录本; all known genes and transcripts in the human genome;
M. grisea 2 Expression Microarray 稻瘟菌 4×44K 涵盖所有稻瘟菌基因组;15,170+稻瘟菌和6,325个水稻探针 cover the entire genome;15,170+ M. grisea and 6,325 rice probes
Maize Expression Microarray 玉米 4×44K 21,000 个探针 21,000 Maize probes
Mosquito Expression Microarray 蚊子 4×44K 覆盖蚊子全基因组;43,803个探针 a transcriptome-wide mosquito, Anopheles gambiae;43,803 Mosquito probes
Mouse Development Expression Microarray 小鼠胚胎发育 4×44K NIA Mouse Gene Index基础上生产的第一个商用芯片,覆盖小鼠全基因组;含有41,000+ 小鼠基因与转录本 the first commercial microarray built upon the NIA Mouse Gene Index;the mouse whole genome;41,000+ mouse genes and transcripts
Mouse Genome, Whole Expression Microarray 小鼠全基因组 4×44K 涵盖小鼠全基因组中所有已知的基因及转录本;41,000+小鼠基因及转录本 all known genes and transcripts in the entire mouse genome;41,000+ mouse genes and transcripts
Porcine Expression Microarray 猪 4×44K 来自于最新的已知转录本;43,803个探针 from the latest publically available transcript sequences;43,803 Porcine probes
Rabbit Expression Microarray 兔 4×44K 涵盖兔全基因组序列;43,803个探针 a transcriptome-wide rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus;43,803 Rabbit probes
Rat Genome, Whole Expression Microarray 大鼠全基因组 4×44K 所有已知的大鼠基因及转录子并包含与人类和小鼠同源的基因及转录本;41,000+ 个基因及转录本 well-known rat genes and transcripts, including homologues to human and mouse genes;41,000+ rat genes and transcripts
Rhesus Monkey Expression Microarray 恒河猴 4×44K 已知序列转录本;43,803个探针 the sequenced transcriptome;43,803 Rhesus macaque probes
Rice Expression Microarray 水稻 4×44K 43,803个探针 43,803 Rice probes ;Content sourced from National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS), RefSeq
Salmon Expression Microarray 三文鱼 4×44K 覆盖三文鱼全基因组;43,803个探针 a transcriptome-wide salmon, Salmo salar;43,803 Salmon probes
Sheep Expression Microarray 绵羊 8×15K 涵盖羊全基因组;15,208个探针 a transcriptome-wide sheep, Ovis aries;15,208 Sheep probes
Tobacco Expression Microarray 烟草 4×44K 涵盖烟草全基因组;43,803个探针 a transcriptome-wide tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum;43,803 Tobacco probes
Tomato Expression Microarray 西红柿 4×44K 涵盖番茄基因组;43,803个探针 a transcriptome-wide Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum;43,803 Tomato probes
Wheat Expression Microarray 小麦 4×44K 覆盖小麦全基因组;43,803个探针 a transcriptome-wide wheat, Triticum aestivum;43,803 Wheat probes
Yeast (V2) Expression Microarray 酵母 8x15K 15,208个S. cerevisiae (S288C strain)ORF来自于Saccharomyces Genome Database "15,208 S. cerevisiae (S288C strain) ORFs;Content sourced from the Saccharomyces Genome Database ORF list
Zebrafish (V2) Expression Microarray 斑马鱼 4×44K 43,803个探针 43,803 D. rerio probes