FuGENE® HD转染试剂提供较好的转染性能,同时最小化对细胞生理学的影响,是多种挑战性应用的理想选择,包括癌症模型细胞系,昆虫细胞转染,干细胞转染,病毒和蛋白生产用转染。
Millipore|PHCC60050| EmbryoMax庐 KSOM Medium (1X) w/ 1/2 Amino Acids & Phenol Red
北京仓 Millipore PHCC60050 EmbryoMax庐 KSOM Medium (1X) w/ 1/2 Amino Acids & Phenol Red 30174 1RT
PULSin protein delivery reagent
Effective and robust delivery into the cytoplasm Delivery to a wide variety of cells including primary cells and Hard-to-transfect cells Highly efficient delivery Easy to use
Guaranteed virus production yields equivalent to R&D grade PEIpro. Manufactured according to a well-established process. Fully characterized product with extensive Quality Controls. Supplied with a
Lipofectamine MessengerMAX Transfection Reagent
Lipofectamine MessengerMAX mRNA Transfection Reagent delivers amazing transfection efficiency in neurons and a broad-spectrum of primary cells, enabling improved application outcomes and more biologic